It is possible for us use our services for spanning all positions of business succesfully, due to our wide-scope of experience using the direct approach. Our past services in this branch include:
- Managing director / bearings
- Designer machine manufacturing / laser technology
- Group leader design / bearings
- Group leader development / bearings
- Manager production planning / controls and instruments
- Product development manager / aerotechnics
- Manager of purchase department photonics / medicine technology
- Group leader development / medicine technology
- Project manager wheel loader/ construction machines
- Manager property rights / medicine technology
- Prduction manager / medicine technology
- Head of development and design / bearings
- Designer special machine manufacturing / laser technology
- Etc.
- Senior consultant SAP / consulting branch
- ERP software specialist / consulting branch
- Marketing & Sales director / system house
- Project manager ERP software / system house
- Sales consultant / system house
- Investor Relations Manager / IT services
- Marketing manager / aircraft systems
- Etc.
- Kea account manager / fasteners
- Sales manager / industrial burners
- Key account manager / glass recycling
- Key account manager / industrial plastics
- Key account manager / lamp manufacturer
- Regional sales manager / drive engineering
- Director sales / bearings
- Sales engineer / jet engines
- Sales manager / pneumatics
- Etc.
- Planner building equipment / engineering company
- Projekt leader building equipment / engineering company
- Senior planner electrical engineering / engineering company
- Project manager electrical engineering / building services engineering
- Senior engineer buildung control / engineering company
- Etc.
- Project manager thermal process engineering / heating systems manufacturer
- Team leader Embedded Systems / heating systems manufacturer
- Area manager automation technology / intralogistics
- Manager plant production / industrial compounds
- Production manager solar module / plant production
- Etc.
- Human resources manager / aircraft industry
- Senior engineer composites / aircraft interiors
- Product Development manager / aviation industry
- Branch manager / retail trade (non food)
- Sales manager / food industry
- Key account manager / time-wok
- Branch office manager / time-work
- Sales manager / hotel business
- Branch manager / time-work
- Patent agent / medicine technoloy
- Patent agent / manchine manufacturer
- Regional sales manager / real estate business
- Online-traffic manager / media agency
- Sales manager / direct marketing
- Professor medical technology / technical college
- Sealesperson / steal trade
- Sales director / woundcare products
- Etc.